Crossbar Challenge: Fun Soccer Game (Here’s How it Works)

Looking for a fun soccer game that tests both your shooting accuracy and striking technique? The crossbar challenge is played by amateurs and pros alike, all around the world. The idea is simple — strike the crossbar as many times as you can. Bit it’s actually a deceptively hard target to hit. Even professional soccer players fail far more […]

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How Long is a Soccer Game (All Levels Answered)

While friendly kickabouts can be as short or as long as you like or have time for, organised soccer matches in a league or at a club last a specific amount of time. So, just how long is a soccer game? This ranges from 90 minutes for adults to just 20 minutes for the youngest age groups. Matches […]

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What is a Hat-Trick in Soccer? (and 5 Times it Happened)

One of the most satisfying and impressive things to do in soccer is to score a hat-trick. Something that most players never manage to achieve throughout their professional careers. Due to its difficulty and the rarity at which it occurs, players are rightfully lauded and praised when they achieve the phenomenal feat. But what is a hat-trick in […]

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How to Trap a Soccer Ball (6-Step Guide)

While it may seem like a simple skill, trapping a soccer ball can be deceptively hard. As it helps you to stop the ball quickly, gain control, and set yourself up to either pass on or take a shot yourself… it’s an absolutely essential skill to master. Key to trapping the ball is your timing, touch, and […]

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11 Keys to Becoming a World-Class Soccer Coach

As coaching a soccer team involves such a wide array of different skills and talents, only the very best make it right to the top of the game where they are highly rewarded for their unique skillset. Not only do soccer coaches have to create and run consistently excellent training sessions and prepare their team tactically […]

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